make 用法, 詳解, 例句(包括make sure, make out of等)

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make 用法, 詳解, 例句(包括make sure, make out of等)

#make 用法, 詳解, 例句(包括make sure, make out of等)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

12/08/201916/11/2019 陳博士Posted in 每日輕鬆學英語 make 用法

問:(A) She made him a good husband.(B) She made him a good wife.請問, 這兩個有關make 用法的句子在結構上有什麼區別?

答:這是兩個完全不同的結構。在句(A) 中, make 用法是及物動詞, 作“使成為”、“培養成為”解, 例如The party has made him a staunch communist.(黨把他培養成為堅強的共產主義者) 。這種句型的結構是: 主+ 述+ 直受+ 受補(him 為受詞, a good husband 為受詞補語) 。與句(A) 相對應的被動句為: He was mad e a good husband.而在句(B) 中,make 是不及物動詞, 作“ 成為”解, 其結構為: 主+述+ 間受+ 主補。句(B) 的意思相當於: She was a good wife to him.(她成了他的好妻子。)

小練習:請選出正確的答案。(留言作答)1. John Joseph Pershing _________ in 1919, he first highest rank held by any American citizen except George Washington.A. to be a full generalB. he made a full generalC. made a full generalD. was being made a full general.2. Ann said, “Englishmen ______ good husbands because they are nearly always willing to help in the house.”A. beB. doC. getD. make

make/ do 1

問:People who cross the Atlantic frequently do not _________ for the sake of its interest.A. make the travelB. make the voyageC. do the travelD. do the voyage不知如何做這道題, 請分析。答:見do/ make。

make/ do 2

問:Libraries do available – through books and a variety of other media – knowledge that has been accumulated through the ages.請分析上面有關make 用法的句子。

答:make 用法與do 有一個顯著的差別: make 可後接受詞+ 受詞補語, 而do 卻沒有這個功能。

That makes my eyes ache. (不帶to 的動詞不定詞作受詞補語)那玩意兒弄得我眼睛疼。It’ll make me so happy if you’ll accept it. (形容詞作受詞補語)如果你願意接受, 將會使我非常高興。He made her his wife. (名詞作受詞補語)他娶她做了老婆。

在試題(1) 中, knowledge…是受詞, available 是受詞補語; 在試題(2) 中, it 是受詞, an especially responsive medium…是受詞補語。因此, 句子中的do 和does 應分別改為make 和makes (參見object complement, do用法5) 。

make certain+ that 子句

問:The second mand make certain that Lanny didn’t have any weapon on him.請問, certain 在句子裡充當什麼成分?

答:that 子句是動詞made 的受詞子句。cert ain 是受詞補語。但與一般的受詞補語不同, 它總是位於受詞的前面。參見make sure。

make it

問:“I’m sorry I’m late”“It’s quite all right. We’re glad you’d ________”A arrive hereB. make itC. makeD. heremake it 是什麼意思? 其中的it 又是指什麼?

答:make it 是個習慣用語, 其常見含義是:“及時趕到”、“到達目的地”:

The train goes at 10:15, and it’s now ten o’clock. I think we shall make it.火車10: 15 開車, 現在是十點。我想我們趕得上。I’m sorry I missed your concert, but I was out of town and couldn’t make it.對不起, 我錯過了你的音樂會, 不過我當時在外地, 來不及趕回來。

make it 中的it 叫做虛義it 或無所指it 。雖然它在文法上是動詞make 的受詞, 但是很難找出它是指哪個詞的。在語意上可以理解為它泛泛地指生活或環境等等(參見it5) 。

make note/make a note


make of/ from/ out of

問:請講一講make of, make from, make out of 有什麼區別。

答:當原材料製成成品後, 原材料仍保持原有性質時, 通常使用make of。例如:

The chair is made of wood. 這把椅子是木頭做的。Do you think I’m made of iron? 你以為我是鋼鐵做成的嗎?The salad is made of lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers. 這沙拉是由萵苣、西紅柿和黃瓜做成的。

當原材料製成成品後, 失去了原有的性質時, 通常使用make from。例如:

Nylon is made from air, coal and water.  尼龍是由氣體、煤和水生成的。The wine is made from grapes 葡萄酒是用葡萄釀成的。Bronze is made from copper and tin. 青銅是由銅和錫構成的。

make out of 主要用於第一種含義(make of), 有時也用於第二種含義(make from):

He made a skirt out of the material.他用這種料子做了一件裙子。In recent times men have learned how to make magnets out of iron.近代, 人們已經知道怎樣用鐵來製造磁體。Two cans containing coffee have the same shape and are made out of the same sheet of tin.裝咖啡的兩隻罐子形狀相同, 而且是用同一張馬口鐵製造的。

小練習:請選出錯誤的地方,並予改正。(留言作答)Fibrous membranes are entirely out made of fibrous connective tissues.

make of/make off

問:請辨析make of 與make off 的意義和用法。

答:make of 常見意義是:“由⋯ ⋯ 製造”、“ 把⋯⋯ 培養成”、“ 把⋯ ⋯ 訓練成”、“ 理解”、“解釋”:

I would rather make a house of stone 我寧願用石頭造一座房子。Mary made a good husband of Jim. 瑪麗把吉姆調教成了一個好丈夫。I don’t know how to make of his behaviour. 我不知道如何解釋他的行為。

make off 則作“急忙離開”、“跑掉”解:

When the deer saw the hunter it made off at once.鹿看到獵人後, 立即跑掉了。I tried to speak to him, but he made off in hurry.我想和他談話, 但是他匆匆走開了。 make be made to do

問:We were made to work all night.我記得make 作“使”、“ 迫使”解時, 其受詞補語是不能帶to 的, 即make sb. do sth.。例如: What makes you tremble so?

答:當make 用於主動語態時, 其標準用法是make sb. do(不能帶不定詞符號to), 但是, 當make 用於被動語態時, 則必須帶不定詞符號to。例如:

I was made to repeat the story. 他們讓我重述了那個故事。People who won’t work should be made to work. 不願勞動者應被強制勞動。 make sure

問:“Will the cottage he could?”“Yes, make sure __________ the heater.”A. you lightB. lightingC. you’ll lightD. for lighting(TOEFL)《TOEFL, GRE 解題詞典》(譯林出版社, p.600) 在解此題時說:“make sure 後接的that 子句中, 述語用(should) + 原形動詞。”這種解釋對嗎?

答:make sure 後接的that 子句並不需要用現在式假設法(be) 或should + 動詞原形。此題之所以應當選A(you light), 是因為make sure 後接的that 子句應當用一般現在式來表示將來時間, 如同在when 子句和if 子句中那樣。因此之故, 應排除選C (you’ll light) 的可能性。請看下面的證明例句:

Make sure (that) they do not escape. 要確保不要讓他們逃跑。I’ll make sure that the letter leaves tonight. 我保證今晚把信寄走。

小練習:請選出正確的答案。(留言作答)— I am leaving now. — Make sure ________ the door.A. for you to lockB. to have lockedC. of lockingD. you lock

make sure+ that 子句

問:Please make sure that the house is properly locke d.請問, 如何分析這個有關make 用法的句子?

答:that 子句是動詞make 的受詞子句, sur e 是受詞補語, 但和一般的補語不同, 它總是位於受詞的前面。make ce r t ain th at 亦可做同樣的分析。參見make certain。

make up of/make up from

問:Soot is made up tiny particles, such as coal, wood, or oil, that are not burned. (TOEFL, 1986.5)我知道答案是A, 但我不知道如何改正上面的句子, 是否應改為made up from?

答:應當記住, 英語裡有一個習慣用語: make up of 。它常常用於被動結構: be made up of, 相當於consist of(由⋯ ⋯所組成) 。

All bodies are made up of atoms. 一切物體都是由原子組成的。A car is made up of many different parts. 汽車是由許多不同的零件組成的。

上面試題的A 項不能改為made up from, 因為be made up from 的含義是“由⋯⋯ 所製造”、“由⋯⋯ 製作”:

She wore a necklace made up from silver coins. 她帶著一串由銀幣製成的項鍊。


其他看過此文章的讀者也閲讀以下文章fail 後面跟to 還是in?表示東南西北方向的英文介係詞everybody 用法, 例句, 解釋歌名count on me 中文是什麽意思?farther與further用法和區別不定詞(infinitive)inform 用法, 例句, 詳解. 應該是inform about或of?more quickly or quicker? 哪一個才對?有何區別?to 用法: infinitive marker 動詞不定詞符號hurry up 用法, 例句, 詳解. 能否說don’t hurry up?




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